lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Be gratefull...

Two weeks ago I saw a video that broke my heart.It's about an african family of three children and their parents left them so they were used to living alone and the oldest wich was a girl took care of her two siblings.They were starving to death,until a group of missionaries came and saved them from their horrible condition.Sometimes we don't think about how hard our parents work to bring a piece of food to the table and if it just tastes bad we throw it away,but hey that's just how we humans are,but you know what?! I'm here to tell you that you can change your mind about all of this,just take a minute of your time and meditate about all the things that you have: Food,Water,Clothes,a House and many other things.I honestly feel horrible for what I've done many times,throwing food away and the not thinking about these children who eat rotten stuff from the floor and drink filthy water.I don't know about you,but I feel like if we don't change our way of thinking and acting,our future it's not going to be a nice one and our children are not going to learn those important values that society has forgotten to teach.I think that we should start by being gratefull for all of the privileges that we have and at the same time teach others about the good things in life that they have the opportunity to enjoy an sadly others don't.If you are seconds away of throwing food on the trash can because of it's taste,well then think again,unless you have some rare medical condition that doesn't let you eat that piece of food.If both of your parents are alive or at least you have someone who can take care of you,be gratefull for that because you don't know how many people are raised without their parents and if your parent of guardian lectures you listen carefully even if it's the same thing that you have heard a thousand times before because many people don't know what is like to have a lecture from their loved ones and that is one of the main reasons of the world's condition and state.I'll leave you with this video that I found.Please watch it carefully and record it's message on your mind and most importantly let others know about this sad a and current situation so they can take action.

Maniac Depressive Disorder...

So yeah,this last week was very hectic let me do the hectic word in bold...HECTIC...thank you.Now changing the subject,yesterday I saw this beautifull movie called gifted hands,a must see movie and yeah it made me cry like a little kid.That's the joy of watching these inspirational movies,but no really it is a wonderfull movie.I'm trying to keep up my grades at school wich is very difficult when I have so many things to do but let's not talk about my boring nerdy life,I feel like writing about something that has been calling my attention for many years.Bipolarity,wich means:

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder, manic depression or bipolar affective disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosisthat describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, ormixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II,cyclothymia, and other types, based on the nature and severity of mood episodes experienced; the range is often described as the bipolar spectrum.

Oh yeah thank God for wikipedia.Well as you may know this mental illness is very common in today's society.I personally know someone with this disorder and I would love to get to know as much as I can about this mental illness because I want to help that person and I want to try and do what's best for her and inspire other people to do the same with their friends and loved ones who also suffer from this disorder.This is a very serious illness and it has to be taken very seriously and trust me,do not provoke someone who is bipolar because it will cause you a lot of headaches.Do not,I repeat do not try it or even think about it.Today's society it's full of mental illnesses thanks to this globally crisis that is affecting every spot in the world and some other things depending the person.We should try and do our best to treat these people with respect and offer them the help they need because no one knows where they could end up if we do not offer them our help or treat them with respect.

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domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

There is no greater satisfaction...

Today I was watching the soloist.Man that movie did what no other movie could ever do to me,bring me to it's kness.What a beautifull movie.It's full of compasion and it proves that there is still people out there who actually still can extend a warm hand of friendship to others who really are in need of a true friend.I had to try really hard not to cry,but still that movie melted my heart.Everyone should watch that beautifull movie and learn from it.Most of today's young and spoiled people,including myself obviously,don't know what we have in our hands untill we loose it.We should learn to appreciate every breath and step that we take and treat everyone equally as if they were one of our own,even if they're homeless people living on the street.Always have that in mind.If a homeless guy comes up to you and ask's for money and you don't have any change on you in that especific moment or even if you do and you give him money you should also suggest them to start living a healthy life or to move on from their past and current injuries,emotionally speaking,tell them to have faith in themselves and that if they do,they can become a better a person and start living a new life.There is no greater satisfaction than that,trust me.Even if you accomplish a goal or something very personal,there is no greater satisfaction than to extend a hand to those who really need it.And never,ever,ever,ever judge a book by it's cover.

soloist Pictures, Images and Photos

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


Como demonios puede ser posible que a esta compañia llamada Bioculture le salga de los cojones querer construir un sitio en Puerto Rico para criar monos y luego enviarlos a diferentes partes del mundo para que se hagan experimentos con ellos? Que rayos es lo que esta pasando aquí? entiendo que hay muchos problemas sociales que tienen cierta prioridad pero que hay de estos pobres monos?! Este asunto lo han echado hacia un lado y nadie hace tres %$#@!.Gracias a Dios que un gran grupo de personas que se opone a esto pero no he visto ningun movimiento de parte de los politícos respecto a este asunto tan grave.Es que no explico como pueden existir personas tan desconsideradas.En vez de ponerse en el lugar de los monos.Para que rayos tenemos una camara de representantes y senadores entonces.Deberían de ponerse a trabajar y dejar de estar comiendo tanta mierda.Jamas en la vida se me ocurriria dejar que estos monos sean maltratados y que los maten sin primero intentar hacer algo al respecto.Estos asuntos me hierven la sangre.

monkey Pictures, Images and Photos

Leyendas Urbanas...

Uy,ni que yo escibiendo un blog en español,imposible.Ya basta de tanta estupidez.Aún sigo sorprendida,pues en estos días me toco hacer un proyecto en powerpoint sobre las leyendas urbanas.Entre las que puse de ejemplo la famosa leyenda de la llorona.Me sorprendí al ver cuantas leyendas de esa mujer hay alrededor del mundo.En todos los países hay una bendita llorona.Si no es que ella mato a su madre y a su hijo y luego quemo la casa es que ahogo a su hijo en el río o se le murió de una mortal enfermedad.Todo esto me da un poco de gracia ya que lo encuentro un poco raro.Hasta donde tengo entendido esta leyenda se origino en Mexico y se dice que era una diosa de los indígenas llamada "Cihuacóatl" (tuve que buscar el nombre porque no me acordaba de tan extraño que es XD).En realidad todo este tema de las leyendas urabanas es muy interesante y he aprendido mucho sobre ello,si algún día se estan muriendo del aburrimiento google them,jaja.


martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Long,dark and scary road...

As I walk into the path of darkness,I can feel something getting in control of me as if I lost my own will and I can't get ahold of myself.It's this natural feeling of emptyness but I have everything and it doesn't even make sense.I'm becoming more senseless but at the same time it's overwhelming my soul with grieffness and despair.I have no strenght left.As I stand watching,all I can see further ahead it's a long,dark and scary road that leads to God knows where.I feel the need to walk on it even if it's on my bare feet and swollen anckles.Maybe that road will lead somewhere someday if I even finish walking on it alive.I can always count on my insticts but they won't get me that far.As for my state of mental satisfaction,I will keep walking untill the day that I can be in peace with my inner self and satisfy all my necessities wich will lead to my autorealization and it will be the start of my normal state of function.

dark road Pictures, Images and Photos

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

Anorexic by Eavan Boland

Flesh is heretic.
My body is a witch.
I am burning it.

Yes I am torching
ber curves and paps and wiles.
They scorch in my self denials.

How she meshed my head
in the half-truths
of her fevers

till I renounced
milk and honey
and the taste of lunch.

I vomited
her hungers.
Now the bitch is burning.

I am starved and curveless.
I am skin and bone.
She has learned her lesson.

Thin as a rib
I turn in sleep.
My dreams probe

a claustrophobia
a sensuous enclosure.
How warm it was and wide

once by a warm drum,
once by the song of his breath
and in his sleeping side.

Only a little more,
only a few more days
sinless, foodless,

I will slip
back into him again
as if I had never been away.

Caged so
I will grow
angular and holy

past pain,
keeping his heart
such company

as will make me forget
in a small space
the fall

into forked dark,
into python needs
heaving to hips and breasts
and lips and heat
and sweat and fat and greed.

The legend of Deirdre

This is my favorite Irish legend...

Conchobhar mac Neasa and the Ulstermen were drinking one day at the house of a famous storyteller named Feidhlimidh. During the celebrations, an unborn baby cried out from the womb of Feidhlimidh’s wife. The woman later gave birth to a baby girl, named Deirdre, who it was foretold would cause great slaughter to many people. Because of this, the Ulstermen called for the child’s death. However, Conchobhar mac Neasa stepped forward and said that he would take the child to have her raised in a faraway place under the care of the nurse Leabharcham.

Deirdre grew up to be the most beautiful woman in Ireland. One day, as she watched her foster-father flay a calf in the snow, a raven came down to drink the blood. She remarked that the man of her dreams should have hair as black as the raven, cheeks as red as blood and skin as white as the snow. Leabharcham told her that there was indeed such a man, and he was Naoise, one of the Red Branch Knights.

Soon after that, Deirdre managed to meet Naoise, and threatened him with shame and derision if he refused to take her away. Naoise took his two brothers Aindle and Ardan and went with Deirdre to Scotland to escape the vengance of Conchobhar in Ireland. However, when the king of Scotland saw Deirdre and how beautiful she was, he became jealous of Naoise, and they were forced to flee to a lonely island.

Naoise and Deirdre loved each other, but the island was small and miserable. The Ulstermen eventually took pity on them and begged Conchobhar to allow them to return to Ireland. Conchobhar agreed, and sent three warriors to escort Deirdre and the brothers back to Ireland.

On their arrival at Eamhain Mhacha, however, the king had Naoise, Aindle and Ardan slain by mercenaries, and Deirdre taken captive. The three warriors who had escorted them from Scotland were furious at this, and ravaged the whole province before going to join Queen Meadhbh in Connaught.

Conchobhar forced Deirdre to live with him for a year, and at the end of the year he asked her who she hated most in the world. Deirdre answered Eoghan mac Durthacht, for it was Eoghan who had killed Naoise. With this Conchobhar announced that she was to now live with Eoghan and the next day she was forced to travel in a chariot with Conchobhar on one side and Eoghan on the other. Because of the situation she was in, the king mockingly remarked that she looked like a sheep between two rams.

At this, Deirdre, who could take no more, jumped out of the chariot and ran towards a rosk head first. She died instantly upon colliding with the rock and was buried in the same graveyard as Naoise.

Legend has it that a trees grew out of each of their graves and in time, the branches of the two trees intertwined, showing that even death could not kill their great love for one another.


Sweet whispers...

The night is cold and so is your heart.Can’t you see that you’re hurting me.Even if I screamed my lungs out you wouldn’t hear it because when you stopped loving me,you stopped listening to me.My soul is calling your name.I wonder where did I go wrong if I ever did.Your memories still haunt me to this day.I’d rather die before I wish to forget your sweet lips whispering in my ear.


lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

No excuses…

So I haven’t written in a few days.I’m tired of writing the same excuse over and over again so I’m not even going to write about my busyness (If that’s even a word).Today sucked but I had the best weekend ever,I really did.So I’m kind of looking for something to write about but I’m literally falling asleep so this might take a while.Oh well nothing is coming out of my empty shell I mean mind.I don’t feel like going to school tomorrow ugh.Oh and I have shorter hair!!!!! Yay!!!!!!…How interesting,nevermind.Anyways my mind is telling me that I should go to sleep.Haha later.



jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Spicing things up...

Right now I'm really hungry so that means that this post it's not going to be a nice one.I almost died of a heart atack because my wireless mouse didn't wanted to work.I tried everything,I even changed the batteries,but guess what?! I had to push this little button wich is hidden under the usb.As soon as I did that it started to work again,I felt like pulling my hair really hard and I imagined myself ending up bald.Well I never expected that.At least it works now.Changing the subject,I've been listening to this electronica radio station that I found a couple of hours ago and I haven't got tired of it.Check it out! I love it! By the way everyone's always asking what's my favorite music genre and I always say that I listen to almost everything but the truth is that I have a thing for electronica,dance and techno music so there you have it hostigating people,now you know my favorite music genre.Changing the subject AGAIN I'm trying to guess why things keep getting worse in PR.Let's review: Is it our own fault or is it the goverment's fault.My point of view is that it goes both ways.We puertoricans (not all of them) are used to being lazy and we just want to live from the goverment and speaking of wich it's so corrupted that not even the most inteligent movie like burglar could ever steal the amount of money that the goverment has stoled during all of these years.This my friends it's called corruption and it is very wrong.While responsable and hard woking people are working their asses off to pay every damned bill these people (Not all of them because believe it or not there are people who still have dignity) are sitting in a chair doing nothing and stuffing all of the money right into their pockets.I hope that a giant cockroach makes a hole in all of their pockets.Ha! Let's see who haves the wholes in their pockets now you pathetic losers.I guessed I'm finished writing for now.Align Center

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